Take a Sleep Apnea Test in the Comfort of Your Own Bed

Sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder that results in interrupted breathing during sleep. In severe cases, some people stop breathing multiple times a minute throughout the night. This prevents proper, restful sleep. It can also lead to a number of health and concentration problems.

In addition to snoring and daytime fatigue, symptoms can include morning headaches and regularly waking up with a dry mouth. If you think you could have this sleep disorder, ask us about it at your next dental exam. Or schedule a consultation with Dr. Juarez.

To properly diagnose sleep apnea, most dentists would refer you for overnight observation and testing by a sleep specialist. For your convenience and comfort, we offer a special take-home sleep test system called ARES™. Using the data provided by ARES™, we work closely with a Texas board-certified sleep physician who diagnoses your issue and recommends customized treatments.

Find the Sleep Apnea Solutions That Are Right for You

Depending on your situation, we can relieve sleep apnea in several ways. In mild cases, you may have success with simply sleeping on your side. For patients who require treatment for relief, we can provide:

  • Custom-made oral appliances that shift your jaw and open up your airway so you’ll be able to breathe easily
  • CPAP machines that assist with breathing throughout the night
  • Nightlase™ lasers to tighten tissue in the back of your throat, preventing airway obstruction

If you want to sleep better, call us today at 832-463-1021 for sleep apnea treatment in Houston. You can also make an appointment online.