Amanda: In our practice, we like to be conservative and also do early intervention. And when you have a child, the ages of 4 to 7, but even all the way up to puberty, we can do what we call interventional orthodontics. It’s where we can actually help with a custom small bite guard that a child wears just at nighttime to help their teeth and jaws develop into the right position so their teeth can actually come in to the right place. If you’re seeing your child have some new teeth erupting and they look like they’re coming in crooked, come see us because we can help actually align those teeth without braces very easily and set them up for a lifetime of a straight, beautiful smile.
Give Your Child a Confident & Healthy Smile
Dr. Amanda Juarez started offering interventional orthodontics because she wanted to help her own children avoid future orthodontic treatments. Let Dr. Juarez do the same for your children!
HealthyStart™ preventative orthodontics uses a BPA-, latex-, silicone-free dental appliance that’s approved by the FDA. The custom-made appliance looks similar to an athletic mouthguard and is worn while your child sleeps. It may be worn during the day as well, depending on your child’s age and orthodontic needs. Some children may go through three phases, each with a different appliance, for best results.
While your children’s permanent teeth are still coming in and developing, HealthyStart™:
- Helps guide their teeth into the proper position
- Promotes healthy jaw development
- Improves the overall shape and formation of their mouth
Treatment can prevent crooked teeth, bite issues, and other problems that could later require braces. But HealthyStart™ offers more than just cosmetic and oral health benefits. It can also help open your child’s airway during sleep. This will improve sleep quality, boost their performance during the day, and help prevent sleep-disordered breathing – which could develop into sleep apnea if left untreated.
Our team will do everything we can to make your child’s first orthodontic appointment pleasant. We even provide headphones and 3-D video glasses equipped with Netflix!
Help keep your child out of braces by calling us at 832-463-1021 today. You’ll get the information you need about preventative orthodontics in Houston. You can also make an appointment online. You’ll find our office conveniently located at 1300 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 1620.