Outstanding dentists with a welcoming staff. This team provides the most advanced technology when caring for their patients teeth and they do so in a most comfortable environment. I am also grateful to Julia for her helpful advice regarding my parent’s sleep apnea.
From the time you call until you arrive here and receive your therapy from our Gulfton oral surgeon, you can have faith that we will certainly be focused on ending your discomfort. With comfort advancements and dental sedation, you can loosen up and get the treatment you are entitled to and require.
During an oral emergency situation, you desire to address your immediate issue, so you can establish the stage for long-lasting oral wellness. At Houston Uptown Dentists, we have the training, technology, and team to get your teeth back on the right track.
Give Your Smile the Surgical Care it Needs
During any type of dental trouble, our very first goal is to get you out of pain. When you head to Houston Uptown Dentists, we make convenience a priority at all times, which shows we are prepared to end your suffering swiftly.
With dental sedation, you can resolve discomfort and alleviate your mind swiftly. We offer oral sedation and calming features to assist you feel entirely soothed throughout your treatment.
When we have ensured your convenience, we can focus on discovering the optimal fix to mend your smile. We provide a number of types of oral surgery and various other services, consisting of:
- Tooth Extractions— Often the damage to your teeth is too much to restore it. When it’s required, we can deal with tooth extraction.
- Wisdom Teeth Extraction— We can address problems with your wisdom teeth if they present any kind of existing or prospective dangers to your smile or your dental health.
- Bone Grafts— If you have lost bone mass in your jaw and intend to become a prospect for dental implants, a bone graft rebuilds the jawbone.
- Dental Implants— If you do need teeth removed, you need to get the best teeth substitutes possible. Implants restore the roots of your lost tooth, so your remediations can be strong, protected, and steady.
- Other Services— We can also carry out ridge augmentations, socket preservation, jaw and facial reconstructions, biopsies for oral pathology, and much more.
We can help you maintain your healthy smile with our different precautionary services and general dental care as quickly as we’ve handled your problem. If you need an oral surgeon in Gulfton, call Houston Uptown Dentists 832-463-1021 to arrange your procedure. You can also schedule online.