A Step-By-Step Guide To Dental Implants

When dental implants were introduced more than 50 years ago — as a way to replace both the root and visible crown of a single missing tooth — they were game-changing. All of a sudden, people were able to fill in their smile gaps with a more reliable and life-like prosthetic.

Since then, dentists have figured out ways to use dental implants to replace a series of missing teeth and even attach dentures to dental implants!

At Houston Uptown Dentists, we offer a wide variety of dental implant solutions, and we’d be happy to help you find one that best fits your needs!

We’re proud to offer incredibly precise dental implant placement in a comfortable setting. You can even experience a pain-free and stress-free procedure with the help of dental sedation.

Call our Houston, TX office at 832-463-1021 to schedule a consultation!