5 Ways to Beautify Your Smile

Some people invest in contact lenses or highlights for their hair, but they hesitate to spend money on their smile. Yet your smile is the facial feature many people notice first! Given that, you want it to look its best. Let our dentists help you beautify your smile

At our Houston office, you can:

  • Whiten Dingy Teeth – For quick results, you can opt for an-office whitening treatment. Or for the convenience of home whitening, we’ll supply you with custom-made trays and professional-strength gel. 
  • Straighten Crooked Teeth – You can choose from two alternatives to standard metal braces: Invisalign aligners, which are practically invisible in your smile, or Six Month Smiles, braces that typically take no more than six months to straighten teeth.
  • Conceal Imperfections – Depending on what you are trying to cover up, we offer dental veneers, bonding treatments, or dental crowns. Our dentists will help you find the solution that will provide the best results. No matter which one you choose, you’ll love showing off your smile again! 
  • Improve Your Gums – If your gums are too heavy, we can remove a bit of tissue using a laser so the process is quick and painless. For gums that have pulled away from teeth, we can restore their healthy appearance with a gum graft or an incision-free treatment called the Chao Pinhole procedure
  • Replace Missing Teeth – Dental implants will give you a feel and function similar to your natural smile while also preventing the bone loss that occurs after you lose teeth. If implants aren’t for you, you can instead select dental bridges or dentures.

Once your smile looks great, you may be interested in making other facial improvements. We can use a laser to gently smooth out fine lines and wrinkles and/or painlessly add volume to your lips. 

Call Houston Uptown Dentists at 832-463-1021 to request an appointment at Houston Uptown Dentists.